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Recreation in North Carolina

RRS Annual Reports, Studies and Resources on the State of Public Parks and Recreation

Municipal and County Parks & Recreation Services Study (MCPRSS)

Applied Research

The MCPRSS annually assesses the status of local government parks and recreation departments in NC based on a number of metrics. Capital and operating budget is represented each year, with survey topics rotating to include salaries, park facility inventory, fees & charges and emerging trends.

Data Informed Decision-Making

The executive report summarizes analysis results from our survey based on several comparisons: department type (city, county, combination), size of population served, and geographic region. These comparisons highlight the data for providers to evaluate current services and assist in budget planning, preparation, and justification for services.

Specialized Reports

If you need more detailed information on a specific area of the study, please contact your regional RRS consultant. We can compile comparisons to develop a specialized report to meet your needs.

Executive Reports Available